Our Mission & Vision


At Me Dhe Për Kulturën, our mission is to spearhead the development of Kosovo’s cultural landscape, positioning it as a vibrant hub of artistic expression, heritage preservation, and cultural exchange. Central to our mandate is the strategic cultivation of cultural tourism, leveraging Kosovo’s rich tapestry of traditions and customs to attract visitors from around the globe.

In pursuit of this goal, we are committed to crafting and continually refining a comprehensive cultural tourism strategy for Kosovo. This strategy will encompass a range of initiatives aimed at showcasing the diverse cultural heritage of our nation, from ancient traditions to contemporary innovations. Through targeted marketing efforts, strategic partnerships, and innovative programming, we seek to elevate Kosovo’s profile as a premier destination for cultural enthusiasts and travelers alike.

Furthermore, Me Dhe Për Kulturën serves as a catalyst for the creation and dissemination of original cultural content that resonates both locally and internationally. By nurturing artistic talent and supporting cultural initiatives, we aim to amplify Kosovo’s cultural voice on the global stage while fostering a deeper appreciation for our rich cultural heritage. Moreover, we are dedicated to exploring the dynamic interplay between newly created culture and traditional Kosovan customs, facilitating dialogue and understanding between past and present.

Through our multifaceted approach, Me Dhe Për Kulturën is committed to fostering a cultural ecosystem that is both dynamic and inclusive, one that celebrates diversity, promotes creativity, and enriches the lives of all who engage with it. Join us as we embark on this journey to unlock the full potential of Kosovo’s cultural heritage and pave the way for a more vibrant and sustainable future.


At Me Dhe Për Kulturën, our vision extends far beyond mere recognition; we aspire to position Kosovo as a globally renowned cultural destination, revered for its rich heritage, vibrant arts scene, and unparalleled hospitality.

Central to our vision is the elevation of Kosovo as a preferred travel and getaway destination on the international stage. Through strategic initiatives and collaborative efforts, we aim to showcase the diverse cultural tapestry of our nation, captivating visitors with our storied history, breathtaking landscapes, and warm hospitality. By fostering cultural exchange and promoting authentic experiences, we seek to create lasting memories for travelers from around the world, enticing them to explore all that Kosovo has to offer.

Furthermore, Me Dhe Për Kulturën is dedicated to establishing itself as a leader in the Kosovan tourism sector, setting the standard for excellence and reliability among customers and partners alike. Through innovative practices, transparent communication, and a steadfast commitment to quality, we aim to earn the trust and loyalty of travelers and stakeholders. As the frontrunner in Kosovan tourism, we strive to exceed expectations, delivering unparalleled experiences that showcase the best of our nation’s cultural heritage and natural beauty.

Our vision is not just about attracting visitors; it’s about fostering a deeper appreciation for Kosovo’s unique cultural identity and heritage. By celebrating diversity, promoting sustainability, and fostering cross-cultural understanding, we aim to create a more interconnected and harmonious world—one where travel becomes not just a journey, but a transformative experience that enriches the lives of all who embark upon it. Join us as we work towards realizing this vision and shaping a brighter future for Kosovo’s cultural tourism industry.